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  • ZT Browser Patches the SM2 Algorithm for Windows

    ZT Browser Patches the SM2 Algorithm for Windows

    ZT Browser has done another big thing - patching Windows to make Windows perfectly support the SM2 algorithm, so that Windows users around the world can verify and view the SM2 SSL certificate normally and choose the SM2 algorithm for global users to ensure global Internet security.

    May 16, 2024Read more
    Fake Websites are Rampant, What must Browsers Do?

    Fake Websites are Rampant, What must Browsers Do?

    Fake and fraudulent websites are rampant, and browsers must do something to prevent users from falling for them. ZT Browser's green address bar displays the trusted identity of the website, which helps users identify fake websites efficiently and simply, and can effectively prevent being deceived on fake websites. Use ZT Browser to surf the Internet now.

    May 13, 2024Read more
    Why ZT Browser Launch Trusted Root Program for Intranet SSL Certificate?

    Why ZT Browser Launch Trusted Root Program for Intranet SSL Certificate?

    The security of intranet traffic requires the intranet SSL certificate. It also requires a browser to trust the intranet SSL certificate issued by the CA. And it requires a browser to take the lead in formulating the baseline requirements for intranet SSL certificates. ZT Browser is the first in the world to support intranet SSL certificates to ensure the security of intranet Web traffic.

    April 24, 2024Read more
    ZT Browser’s Plan for 2024

    ZT Browser’s Plan for 2024

    ZT Browser will do four things in 2024, two trusted root programs for document certificate and intranet SSL certificate, and two products research and development for email encryption automation service and document signing automation service.

    March 18, 2024Read more
    All browsers will display the digital signature of PDF documents as default

    All browsers will display the digital signature of PDF documents as default

    The browser can not only browse PDF documents seamlessly, but also should be able to verify digital signatures in PDF documents and display the identity information of the digital signer. This will be the default function of all browsers, and ZT Browser is the first in the world to innovate and realize it perfectly.

    October 11, 2023Read more
    ZT Browser Makes Certificate Transparency more Transparent

    ZT Browser Makes Certificate Transparency more Transparent

    ZT Browser displays certificate transparency information under the padlock in the address bar, including international certificate transparency and SM2 certificate transparency, so that users can know who provides certificate transparency services, which is conducive to the healthy development of certificate transparency ecology.

    August 08, 2023Read more
    How does the browser identify the type of SSL certificate?

    How does the browser identify the type of SSL certificate?

    This article explains clearly how the browser identifies the type of SSL certificate. The author hopes that all ZT Browser trusted CA can upgrade the CA system in time and add the correct certificate type OID to the issued SM2 SSL certificate so that the Browser can display it correctly.

    August 08, 2023Read more
    How long should the SM2 SSL certificate validity period?

    How long should the SM2 SSL certificate validity period?

    This article clarifies how the validity period of the SSL certificate is determined and gives the principle of determining the validity period of the SM2 SSL certificate - refer to international standards. It is hoped that the CA trusted by ZT Browser can adjust the SM2 CA system in time to ensure the security of the SM2 SSL certificate.

    August 08, 2023Read more
    What kind of SM2 browser is needed for the cryptography compliance reconstruction?

    What kind of SM2 browser is needed for the cryptography compliance reconstruction?

    This article explains in detail what a SM2 browser is, what kind of SM2 browser users need, and what are the special differences from the ZT Browser. Welcome to choose ZT Browser, a completely free, clean, and ad-free SM2 browser that exclusively supports the SM2 Certificate Transparency in the world.

    August 08, 2023Read more
    Apple, Google, Mozilla, Opera, what are you afraid of?

    Apple, Google, Mozilla, Opera, what are you afraid of?

    ZT Browser's application to become a browser member of the CA/Browser Forum was jointly rejected by Apple, Google, Mozilla, Opera. The author wants to ask these browser giants: what are you afraid of? Is it afraid that a browser from China has the right to vote in international standards organization?

    January 28, 2023Read more
    Website security needs to be "Visible"

    Website security needs to be "Visible"

    Website visitors have no way of knowing whether the website they are visiting is secure, so how can website visitors know it at a glance? ZT Browser has 5 innovations that make website security "Visible". This article explains these five innovations in details.

    October 24, 2022Read more
    ZT Browser is a free SM2 algorithm supported browser

    ZT Browser is a free SM2 algorithm supported browser

    In order to popularize the SM2 algorithm and the SM2 SSL certificate to realize the SM2 https encryption, a browser must support the SM2 algorithm and trust the SM2 SSL certificate issued by the CA. ZT Browser has done a very good job in this regard.

    September 30, 2022Read more
    Popularize the application of SM2 SSL certificate, starting from popularizing the use of SM2 browser

    Popularize the application of SM2 SSL certificate, starting from popularizing the use of SM2 browser

    To popularize the application of the SM2 SSL certificate, we must first have a browser that supports the SM2 algorithm and popularize the use of SM2 browser. Browsers (including mobile Apps), SSL certificates and web servers all support the SM2 algorithm to setup a SM2 certificate application ecosystem.

    June 17, 2022Read more
    IE, Bye Bye! Green address bar, No Bye Bye!

    IE, Bye Bye! Green address bar, No Bye Bye!

    On June 15th, IE browser, which has served users for 27 years, officially said goodbye to global Internet users. The author will not complain about many things about IE browser. Let’s write something about miss IE browser.

    June 16, 2022Read more
    Website identity is displayed as green address bar, greatly welcomed worldwide

    Website identity is displayed as green address bar, greatly welcomed worldwide

    By analyzing the access statistics of the ZT Browser website, the users of ZT Browser have covered 33 countries and regions around the world within 10 days of its release. Why is it so popular? This article is interpreted based on the content of the presentation originally planned to speak at the CA/Browser Forum.

    June 10, 2022Read more
    Why does ZT Browser provide Website Security Rating Service for free?

    Why does ZT Browser provide Website Security Rating Service for free?

    Deployed SSL certificate does not mean that the website is really secure, how to let the website visitors and website owners quickly understand whether the website is secure? ZT Browser directly displays the website security test rating level in the security padlock UI.

    June 01, 2022Read more
    Displaying website identity is the browser's obligation

    Displaying website identity is the browser's obligation

    At present, browsers no longer display website identity information in the address bar, which has caused many websites to have deployed an EV SSL certificate that organization name do not correct. This article has screenshots to show that only ZT Browser can correctly display the website identity information, which helps to prevent these mismatches happening.

    June 01, 2022Read more
    The green address bar is back

    The green address bar is back

    Maybe some readers have noticed that the green address bar of browsers that was often seen when surfing the Internet is gone. Where has the green address bar gone? Why was there a green address bar before, but not anymore? The author answers these questions in detail in this article.

    June 01, 2022Read more
    WAF is Zero Trust to Web Traffic

    WAF is Zero Trust to Web Traffic

    WAF is Web Application Firewall. What does it do? Please see the screenshot of Alibaba Cloud WAF protection statistics for ZoTrus website to know the role of WAF. How to effectively show that the website has WAF protection? ZT Browser has great innovation.

    June 01, 2022Read more
    The things about SM2 SSL certificate

    The things about SM2 SSL certificate

    This article will talk about the various SM2 SSL certificate problems found by ZT Browser when processing the SM2 root certificate inclusion application from many CA operators. I hope this article can help improve the SM2 SSL certificate technologies of the parties involved in the SM2 SSL certificate.

    June 01, 2022Read more
    Why the first product of ZoTrus launched is a browser?

    Why the first product of ZoTrus launched is a browser?

    Everyone is familiar with browsers. There are already many browsers on the market. Why the first product is a browser? Any special innovations? This article interprets the reasons and mysteries.

    June 01, 2022Read more